Monday, November 17, 2014

Stone Carving at the Ashburton Domain

We had a great trip to the Ashburton Domain. The children enjoyed the scavenger hunt and were fascinated by the stone carvings. The playground is always a hit.

Wastebusters - Recycling and reusing

We found out there are many ways to recycle and reuse old things. We had a lot of fun looking at the wearable art. The photographs were taken by Mrs Baxter and the children. After trying things on the children decorated hats.

Technology Challenges

These images were taken by the children as they completed technology challenges and practiced their music skills. For the technology challenges the children were split into groups with children from rooms 12 and 15. They completed three challenges - to make a tree, to make a hat and to make a flower. They had to work together as a group to make the object which had to meet the criteria within 20 minutes. They then had to present their object and say who did what.

Picture Frames

The children have worked through the Design Process to make a picture frame. First they had to make a plan. Then they had to write a list of materials that they needed. They used their plan to make their picture frame. They found out that sometimes plans need to be changed to make the building easier or to make the artistic part more effective. Their picture frames had to meet set criteria. They had to be strong, free standing and attractive. The children all worked hard to produce the best frame possible. We hope you enjoy them.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Have a go Day

Some Hampstead School year 3 and 4 children had an opportunity to try out a variety of sporting skills at Have a go Day. This was a skills building day to encourage children to participate in sports and physical activity. The children learnt hockey, netball, football, cricket and rippa skills. They had a lot of fun and worked hard. We hope you enjoy these images.

Football and Athletics

Throughout the year the children have sessions on various sporting skills.  These are some images from our football and athletics sessions.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Family Descriptions

Last term the children were learning how to write descriptions using adjectives and similes. They were asked to chose a family member to describe. We hope you enjoy them. Just click on your child's name below to see their description.

Caleb                      Edelma                     Eden                       George                    Gloria

Carys                      Jacinta                      Jack                        Jaidon                     Joshua

Katie                       Kilarney                   Mahalia                  Marie                      Mere

Ochean                   Riana                        River                      Saiyan                     Sophie

Tamsin                    Taylah                     Tyrone